Nat La Pirate

Dec 4, 202212 min

What Is The Difference Between LEGAL And LAWFUL?

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

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What is the difference between LEGAL and LAWFUL?

To answer this question one must first answer the question, “What is LAW?”

Social conditioning and the public discourse of lawyers is intentionally designed to stop you from asking this question. Here in reality there have been many attempts to define it. Law is just a weasel-word catch-phrase, like “Due Process“. It doesn’t actually exist.

The works of Lord Lloyd of Hampstead, most notably “Introduction to Jurisprudence”, poses the question whether it’s possible, or desirable to define LAW. By 1972, when these works were written, there was no accepted definition. There are, however, “proposed” definitions.

One definition is that “LAW” is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviour.

Queen’s Counsel Glenville Williams, said the meaning of the word law depends on the context in which the word is used. For example, early Customary law and Municipal law are contexts where the word “LAW” have conflicting and irreconcilable meanings. A devout Muslim will consider the Q’uran and the Hadiths LAW; however a quick examination of these “LAWS” will show that they’re incompatible with anything resembling a civilized society.

In the end a conclusion is that LAW is anything that’s written down and upheld by the adherents of that writing. It is the first MAXIM of LAW;”If it is written, it is Law.” It simply boils down to how many people are willing to enforce it.

Some “LAWS” are considered universal. Don’t harm others. Don’t steal from others; and don’t deceive others. Left at that point, the concept of LAW would be pretty simple, as these are things that most of us do as a matter of course.

If you are taking the time to read this article, I think it’s a safe assumption that you aren’t doing it between bouts of robbery and murder. Human beings, by their very nature (with some notable exceptions), are inherently altruistic, and have empathy; thus making the whole not killing people, not robbing people and not defrauding people, the de facto state of the average Homo sapien.

These universal laws are essentially all Homo sapiens need to interact with each other. If you’re not killing somebody, and you’re not robbing somebody, and you’re not deceiving somebody, it is safe to presume that whatever you do is, in fact, LAWFUL.

So what does LEGAL mean?

In Western society LEGAL means Acts and Statutes enacted by Parliament/Congress with the FORCE OF LAW, and with the consent of the governed.

I created THE TENDER FOR LAW to educate the general public as to what money is; and the reason this is so important is that money is what indicates your consent to be governed by LEGAL Acts and Statutes.

If you are unfortunate enough to know a banker or a lawyer, great entertainment can be had by asking the question, “What does this note is LEGAL Tender mean?”, and watching them trying to sputter out an answer. Lawyers will give long, convoluted explanations with bullshit piled on top of bullshit. When they are finished with their deliberately wrong answer, point to the words and ask, “Which word says all that? Is it the words, “this note”? No? What about the words, LEGAL Tender? What does that mean?” That is why this group is called THE TENDER FOR LAW.


If you partake in any financial transaction, LEGALLY the only consideration is who must pay.

LEGAL = Accounting and Surety

Surety simply means “responsible party”.

None of this is ever taught to you in school, and as the Money as Debt series has taught you, neither is monetary theory. This is done with a very insidious intent. To understand what this insidious intent is, I must explain how I managed to avoid it.

To do this I must snap back to a childhood vignette.

Many readers will know the familiar feeling of having contempt for your parents. Allow me to give you a few more. My father (John Wayne Duncan), was in his mid-twenties and living in Belleville, Ontario. He had moved there from London, Ontario, to take a job with Canadian National Railways. We lived at 67 Village Drive, and my phone number was 962-0377. I remember these salient details because they were hammered into my head, in case I was found wandering around, which I tended to do. My grandmother (Olga Jean Duncan), thought I was the greatest thing that had ever blessed the earth; and whenever she was around my whims were catered to, in excess. From that time forward, she was never shy about stating that “I was the favourite!” From a child’s perspective, comparatively, my parents seemed to actually resent my existence. At that point in life, I had adopted several axioms which hold true to this day.

If you are under 20 years old, like it or not, you are a child. If you’re fortunate enough to be this age, let me give you these axioms, and I guarantee your life will be of higher quality. Notice I call them axioms, and not laws (although since I’m writing them down here, for this article, technically they are);

1. EVERY ADULT IS LYING TO YOU – There are no exceptions to this rule. Most lie because they don’t want to admit they are ignorant of the questions you’re asking them. Many lie because they don’t want you to know certain things. But in the end, they are all lying to you. A lie of omission is still a lie. It’s intent is to deceive. I think I covered that earlier in this article – see unlawful.

2. IF YOU POINT OUT TO THESE ADULTS THAT THEY ARE, IN FACT, LYING TO YOU, THEY WILL INTENTIONALLY SEEK TO HARM YOU – There are no exceptions to this rule. Nobody’s feelings are more hurt than when their lies are exposed. You may think this sounds hostile, but that’s simply because you can’t tell the difference between what’s true, and what feels good.

Back to the childhood vignette…

One day my father vetoed a purchase that my grandmother had made, saying, “He needs to know the value of money.” Unfortunately for all parties involved, I was at the stage in my intellectual evolution where I had reached the conclusion that the only way to successfully navigate the world of liars, which I appeared to have been born into, was to lie to them. I mastered the art of deception at a very early age; and as long as you focus on the fact that the deception is there to misdirect, you can still see the world very clearly. For one of the other advantages I had at that point, was that I knew that knowledge is power. The trick is not to let anyone know you’re learning it.

When my grandmother agreed with my father’s position, I was shocked and hurt, until I remembered, “They’re all lying to me”. My only question is, “Why are they all lying to me”? It was shortly after that point that I learned I wasn’t criminally accountable for my actions. Wait…what were those words? CRIMINALLY ACCOUNTABLE. What the hell does CRIME have to do with ACCOUNTING? I had just spotted a trinity. Money, crime, accounting.

Whenever I spotted interactive trinities I studied each part, knowing they were connected to the other two parts. I dedicated the next two years, with the limited resources that I had, to the study of these things. I knew NEVER to reveal that I was actually thinking, because I saw what happened to kids that were discovered doing that. That’s when I discovered what money actually was.

At that time I was attending Parkdale Public School. In those early days (Late 70’s), “Truancy” was considered an offence; but it turns out that nobody in a public library cares about truancy. The librarians at the Belleville Public Library, seeing me reference but never checking out books, constantly checking references, looking up definitions of words, and reading law, simply saw me as a smart, ambitious young man who’s “really going to go places when he grows up”. The lesson I hadn’t learned at that time was NEVER LET THEM TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY.

Here’s my example.

Since my father was a Civil Engineer, designing a “dream house” and building it across town, was a matter of simplicity. That house had been constructed, and we were living there. By that point I was a little terror, because somehow this man had convinced my grandmother that “learning the value of money” was important. When I stated that it had no value, and was in fact debt, I found myself in a permanently hostile environment. By that time my brother and sister had been born, because my father was figuring out that he’d married a worthless bimbo, and said worthless bimbo loved babies, but couldn’t stand children. When it looked like my father was going to call it quits, she invariably got “knocked-up”. My sister was an exact clone of her mother; and I didn’t know it at a time, but my brother would grow up to be one of the bravest men I had ever known. Sadly, I got all the brains. Many things were denied me, because I dared declare that “money has no value”.

All I ever heard about was how they didn’t have any money. But I knew money was worthless, and it bound you to a whole bunch of rules that nobody in their right mind would want. I continued ignoring school and studying what was interesting to me; nobody had caught on to the library scam yet. Nobody knew where I went during the day when I was “truant”, and since I was a child who didn’t know counter-surveillance techniques, I was unaware that my mother had commissioned a neighbour’s kid to follow me. The little droplets of knowledge that I had, ended when the police showed up and terrorized the librarians. I was brought home, the police commented on what a smart kid I was, and in the preparation for some form of corporal punishment that my mother had thought up, I pointed out that injuring me is a crime, but if I injured her, it was not. I told her I would never forgive her for what she had taken away, and that if she ever denied me any knowledge ever again, I would kill her…

…and then I went back to playing dumb.

For the first time in my life, everyone thought my mother was lying. To this day, it is my fondest childhood memory. Nobody would accept that I could put these concepts together. I got my first erection when I saw fear in her eyes. I was flooded with a flurry of emotion. Nobody believed her. Everything she was saying was true, and nobody believed her. They believed ME. I was just a dumb rebellious child, not someone who’d figured out things, far too soon for their liking.

From the perspective of an adult it’s pretty easy to play “dumb kid” as the adults in question, had forgotten what it’s like to be a child, and had certainly forgotten how much their parents underestimated them.

Nobody believed her. Why didn’t anyone believe her? She was an adult. That’s when I realized I didn’t need a library, I had a laboratory.

Be offensive, deceptive, and stupid – because that’s what they expected; which means they were always looking in the wrong direction. I studied that trinity. I studied law, I studied crime, and I studied money, because I was “not criminally accountable for my actions.”

As I was going down this path to enlightenment, there was a disproportionate air of concern from my grandmother. I wouldn’t find out until I was thirteen exactly what that was. At the time it was just, if you keep doing what you’re doing, apparently you’re going to miss out on something. Something very important. But when pressed on the issue, every party would lie about it. By that point I could spot liars from a mile away. Sometimes I couldn’t spot what the lie was, I could simply spot that when they said something that they knew wasn’t true, they couldn’t hide it from me. I learned more from people’s lies than I ever did from honesty. I resented my parents for this. Why would they bring me into this world, filled with deception and lies, where everyone thinks wrong, and values the wrong things?

I knew the value of money. It had none. And I also found that it had conditions – see THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER.

Those of you seeking liberty must learn law and accounting, because if you don’t you will believe a million lies. We’ve often heard the phrase, “No one is above the law”! In reality, there are lots of people above the law. A Justice, for example, in Canada, has absolutely no criminal liability for their actions; yet you are told we are all equal under the law. And you’ll be told that it’s necessary, etc., in order to distract you from the actual mechanics.

If someone is “above the law”, then there is no law. It’s fraud. A man/woman in a black dress and a red sash doesn’t have magical super-powers that puts him/her “above the law” or above you; and these people possess no mental powers that you don’t; yet everyone blindly accepts their “authority”. Thank your early childhood programming, and ESPECIALLY religion. It is your early programming that makes you “believe” people are “above” you.

Legally, “authority” simply refers to the author of a document. You’ll find many of these contrary definitions throughout legal jurisprudence. These are hidden-in-plain-sight lies that everyone BELIVES. So if you’re a young man, or woman reading this, and you want the answer to all the questions you may have about life, start with a foundation of ALL BELIEF IS EVIL.

If you BELIEVE something, it means you’ve stopped investigating, or questioning it. It means any research or thought you had once intended to put into it – has ended.

Belief is the end of thought. Those that believe, know this. I can guarantee, despite the fact that you, the reader, are just one of seven billion people on this planet, you have at least once in your life heard the phrase, “You think too much”.

Take a moment and try and recall who told you that; and then you can tell me why all belief is evil.

For those digging up records, the dream house my father built was at 84 Edgehill Road, Belleville, Ontario. I used to attend Harry J. Clarke Public School, and regularly robbed Moira Secondary School for items and materials needed for my actual education, not the public fool system. Those doing serious digging, will see me as “Scott Duncan”, in yearbooks and records, etc.

Because I love giving away the ending of the story at the beginning, I will tell you right now that John Scott Duncan was my legal name, but it was also a TITLE, and therefore could not be used whilst I was a child in commerce. This “TITLE” is not something everyone gets, and it must be CLAIMED, and the claimant must be “worthy”. There is a reason you are referred to as MASTER as opposed to MISTER when you are a child. We’ll cover that, and a bunch of shit attached to that, in a future article. It turned out for ME, that my name, itself, had a different standing legally. All this knowledge I had as a child. Now you are getting it; and you didn’t even have to work for it.

Let’s snap back to the present again.

At this writing, the year is 2014 of what is generally known as the Common Era. It used to mean Anno Domini, which apparently referred to a rape-baby that had a bad weekend for your “sins” (He didn’t “die”, according to the evil fairy tale. He “came back to life”). Let me take a second and do my regular bout of Christian-bashing and point out that if you’re Christian your ideology is based on what is allegedly the word of a man who declared “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, and then went on to knock-up some other guy’s wife in her sleep; which has the added bonus of being rape. If you’re a Christian, you won’t understand why I think you’re just an evil piece-of-shit.

All belief is evil. Christian belief is particularly bad.

Say what you want about Muslims, but their beliefs are based on the teachings of someone that actually existed.

…but I digress…

All belief is evil. I’ve simply mastered the art of showing you why.

The founders of the United States actually formed their Republic to escape the “money as debt” system. They failed. At this writing there is over a trillion dollar Trade Deficit, and this once-free Republic that was the bastion of invention, innovation and productivity is now just a nation of debt, and the enforcement thereof. Virtually half the employed Americans today directly or indirectly work for the government, doing nothing but creating and enforcing policy. Canada is not far behind.

Look at where the United States was twenty years ago, and that’s where Canada is now.

I seem to have entered a period of my life where those in my past, who said I was crazy, are now coming back and saying, “You were right”!

Verily I say to those that knew me in the past, who are now coming out of the woodwork seeking answers from me; stop now, because “I’m sorry” isn’t good enough any more. I already spent the time trying to teach you; TIME I WILL NOT GET BACK, and you couldn’t be bothered to listen. If you make the attempt, I WILL harm you. Consider that PROPER NOTICE and govern yourselves accordingly. You’re lucky you are even getting this. Be grateful. (Because I don’t get that time back, you will PAY me first. Not with fiat currency, but in labour. HARD labour. A navy doesn’t maintain itself, and there is a LOT of nasty/dangerous shit to do on a boat, that is just perfect for someone who dared waste my precious time!)

Because as I said before, I don’t possess any mental powers you don’t; and if you couldn’t be bothered to listen the first time, then you have already chosen your side. In the end, war is coming, and it will be a war between “thinkers” and “believers”, not good and evil. To quote Ben Stiller in Zero Effect, “There aren’t any good guys. You realize that don’t you? I mean you realize there aren’t evil guys, and innocent guys.

It’s just, it’s just…it’s just a bunch of guys.”

Thinking and believing are mutually exclusive. They shall forever be in conflict. All that is “legal” relies on belief. Legal has nothing to do with right and wrong. It always has to do with money.



